Kimi Hannin Janai yo ne (J)

Kimi Hannin Janai yo ne?

Aren't You a Criminal?
Kanjiya Shihori, Kaname Jun
Ueda Yasushi (植田泰史)
Kuwata Kiyoshi, Okawa Takehiro (大川武宏), Takamaru Masataka (高丸雅隆)
Hayashi Makoto (林誠人), Arai Shuko (荒井修子)
Mystery, comedy
ออกอากาศช่อง TV Asahi ทุกวันศุกร์ เวลา 23:15 น.

Theme song: Super Looper - YA-KYIM


Episode Subtitle Ratings
Ratings (Kansai) Ratings (Nationwide)
01 The woman of the double, locked-room mystery murder 08.3  ??.?  ??.?
02 The woman of the gorgeous becoming, complete crime 10.4  ??.?  ??.?
03 The woman of the graceful dying message 08.5  ??.?  ??.?
04 The woman who teleported the corpse 09.3  ??.?  ??.?
05 The woman who got attracted by the Venus 09.7  ??.?  ??.?
06 The woman who was the cursed bride 07.7  ??.?  ??.?
07 The women of the 3 sister kidnapping group 08.4  ??.?  ??.?
08 The women with the psychic eye 09.3  ??.?  ??.?
09 The woman with the perfect alibi 07.7  ??.?  ??.?
10 The woman from the past 09.4  ??.?  ??.?
Average -- 08.9  ??.?  ??.?

Source: Video Research